What You Need to Know About Palm Trees

A collection of palm trees is a sure way to make your backyard look more tropical. It can also feel like they require less upkeep than regular trees since they don't have much in the way of foliage. There is simply a stout trunk crowned with that beautiful, lush greenery. Having said that, there can come a time when a palm tree is not the best choice for its location, which means that removal can be necessary. So what do you need to be aware of when it comes to palm trees on your property?

The Type of Palm Tree You Don't Want

Do you know what type of palm trees you actually have on your property? A queen palm (also known as a cocos palm) can actually be a candidate for removal. It does not replenish its leaves in the same manner as most other types of palm trees. The durability of the tree means that when a frond dies, it simply stays in place and decays. This of course makes the tree look unappealing, despite the fact that it might be perfectly healthy. The fronds will turn brown and will die, but they will not actually be dislodged until they're removed by tree loppers (or by a strong gust of wind). In Queensland, the queen palm is actually classed as an invasive, noxious variety of tree. It can attract flying insects, sharply increasing the amount of these flying annoyances that can be found around your home. To prevent this from happening, you should consult a qualified arborist to consider having the tree removed.

Other Types of Palm Trees

While other palm trees will replenish themselves (dead fronds will fall from the tree of their own accord), there is the possibility that they will grow too large for their surroundings. Of course, most palm trees are immature when they are planted. The roots of palm trees do not descend to a depth much greater than a comparable sized tree of another variety. Having said that, the roots of palm trees can span out horizontally across a significant area to provide the tree with greater stability as it grows taller. This can pose a problem to swimming pools, and even to your actual home, depending on where the tree is located. You don't want these creeping roots to break through your foundations or the wall of your swimming pool. In these instances, removal might be necessary.

Palm Tree Removal

While a palm tree can be lopped (just like any other tree), you are left with an unsightly stump until the foliage re-grows, and the problem of the expansive roots will remain. While the streamlined nature of a palm tree can make it seem that cutting it down is a straightforward task, please do not attempt to do so unless you have the necessary experience. Consult a tree removal company who will be able to use directional felling. This is when the nature of the cut is coupled with ropes attached to the tree to control the direction of the fall. To attempt to cut down a palm tree without these safeguards can result in significant property damage and/or injury.

So while a palm tree can be a beautiful addition to your property, not all palm trees should be welcomed, and even the more appealing species can outstay their welcome.
